4 Simple Ways To Prepare Your Home For When Baby Arrives


Carrying a baby for nine months is a challenge many new and “veteran” mothers consider beautiful and life-changing. You’ll have to give up your comfort, favorite junk foods, and certain habits you used to do before you conceived. And while the sacrifice can be hard at first, nothing will beat the delight of having a bouncing, healthy baby.


But before your baby comes home, it is crucial to prepare their room and your home to welcome them into the new world. With these five tips, you’ll turn your home into a safe and comfortable haven for your bundle of joy:

Tidy Up

After giving birth, you’ll need to recuperate from the medication and surgery you’ve been through to deliver your baby. That means you’ll need to rest in a clean, clutter-free, and comfortable environment. Before your baby is due, it is best to tidy up your home gradually. And by slowly, we mean to exercise caution when cleaning and organizing so you won’t hurt yourself and your unborn baby. Ask help from your partner, relatives, or neighbors if you have to carry and move heavy objects.

Assess Which Rooms Need Baby Proofing

Since your baby will start walking between 9 to 15 months after birth, you might want to assess which rooms in your house or condo unit will need baby proofing. Planning helps you select which baby proofing items you’ll need to buy and how to rearrange your appliances and furniture. You’ll want to establish safe zones where your baby can move around without hurting himself/herself.


Some rooms in your home that need baby proofing include the living room, bathroom, kitchen, and dining room. For homes similar to Sentosa Calamba’s housing units, the dining area needs extra attention as there are high tables and chairs in the dining rooms. Corner and edge guards are suitable for shielding your tiny tot’s head from getting bumps due to sharp corners and hard furniture sides.

Decorate The Nursery

Decorating the nursery or your baby’s room is another exciting task. If you plan to remodel a guest room as your baby’s private quarters, choose paints made with hypoallergenic and non-toxic materials. You want your walls to be pretty but also safe for your baby to be around.


You’ll also want to choose furnishings designed for babies. These include a baby rocker, crib, a few pillows, and hypoallergenic sheets. Air purifiers and humidifiers are also suitable for cleansing the air for your baby to breathe while s/he sleeps.

Reorganize Your Fridge

Now that you’ll be pumping and storing breast milk, you’ll need to reorganize your fridge to accommodate your baby’s meals. You’ll have to make space to keep all your reserve milk as these can spoil fast if you don’t chill them for the next few days. Throw away any expired or rotten food to prevent any of your baby’s milk and food from going bad. Doing so also saves you energy and electricity since you’ll be allowing the cool air to circulate better inside the fridge.


To sum up, having a new baby means taking on new responsibilities and learning new ways to make your home safe and comfortable for the newest member of your family. Start with these four tips and welcome your baby into a warm and loving home.







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