As many Filipinos would believe, only children who live in unsanitary conditions with poor hygiene are prone to worms. So despite deworming efforts made by the government, the relevance of this health practice in the country remains low.

Through online surveys and various on-site interviews, the perception on deworming among Filipino families revealed an insight that uncover a single truth– having worms is associated with having poor hygiene and most Filipino mothers do not consider their family as such.

But in reality, worms are everywhere. These worms are not seen through the naked eye. Beyond a clean home and a healthy lifestyle, there are worms that can be picked up along the way. From stepping barefoot on the ground, playing with pets, the simple act of not washing hands after a restroom break to coming into contact with objects contaminated by worm eggs in unsanitary locations, worms can be easily carried home.

Once at home, eventually flushes down efforts on safeguarding the health and wellness of the family. So, no matter how clean and healthy one may look, walang pinipili ang worms.

Worms can rob the health of any family. Among children, it stunts their growth, affects their mental performance, gives malnutrition, and makes them inactive. For adults, they could suffer from constant health complications.

With the imposing health risks that worms bring to all members of the household, Antiox champions deworming for families. Unlike other deworming treatments, Antiox is a brand that is not only for kids, but is intended for every member of the family.

In many modern Filipino homes, mothers are the key influencers to a family’s wellness. Their everyday choices drive what a family needs, making them the ambassadors of health. 

Recognizing this fact, Antiox is one with every Filipino mother who would do anything to give the best protection to her family. By joining the family challenge to deworm, Filipino moms can ensure their families are totally healthy.

Together, let’s make every Filipino home a worm-free family. With Mebendazole (Antiox ®), a worm-free family means a worm-free community.

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