Get paid to shop online with Shopback!

I’ve got a secret to share. 

And I can assure you that it’s not only going to be interesting. This will definitely be helpful especially for moms and ladies out there who are into online shopping and discounts like myself.

I have, to date, earned Php 1393.38 from buying different stuff through the internet.
Yes, that’s right! 
Modernization has undeniably made a lot of tasks and things quick and easy for us to do – that includes shopping. Buying stuff online has been a great help for a mom like me. It’s super convenient! I can buy a whole bunch of goodies - clothes, shoes, makeup, perfume, bags, travel packages, tickets and gift certificates, gadgets, kitchenware, the list could go on endless. Saves me time! Basically, everything can now be bought without having to physically go to the mall or groceries, fall in line, and face the giant traffic fiasco everywhere. It only takes a few clicks and a few days for whatever you ordered online to be delivered right at your doorstep. Just a friendly advice while we’re at it though, you also have to know your merchant. There are many trusted websites to your shopping, but some bogus ones here and there, too. Be careful.

As for me, I have been shopping in Althea among other famous sites such as Sephora and Zalora for quite some time now. 

Althea Korea is a popular K-beauty shopping site that ships internationally. I love their products and how fast they deliver straight from Korea to home. Now, here’s the best part.

Aside from the already obvious benefits of shopping online, there’s ShopBack, and I simply love it! We usually get rebates from using certain credit cards on purchases, but interest charges are involved. Almost same idea applies when you go to and register. But the big difference is you don’t pay ShopBack anything. Shopback pays you to shop online. Great, isn’t?
As soon as you land the homepage of ShopBack, you’ll see a list of merchants and how much cashback you’ll get when you transact with your preferred online shops. Your savings can range from 2.5% up to 12% of your total spend. All you need to do is shop like how you normally would. As soon as you’re done with your transaction, your cashback will reflect immediately on your ShopBack account. Tracking your savings is pretty easy. And when the time comes that you’re ready to reap what you sow, you can either cash it out to your bank account or PayPal. You can do all of these using your smartphone app or computer. 

TIP: Make sure to use the same browser when you shop for the cashback to be credited.

You shop, then get some of your money back. Take note, that’s on top of what you can save from marked down prices of what you buy. I’m glad my favorite online shops have partnered with ShopBackFrom every Althea transaction, for instance, I get 5% rebate.

I guess my questions to you now are “Why do you shop online?” and “How do you want it to be?”

My online shopping experiences are the best because of ShopBack
You should sign up now as my referral here and get Php100 cashback instantly on your account. Refer your friends to earn more and check out special promos. Shopping couldn’t be better than this. Enjoy!

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