Last Sunday, I attended
"#Crafternoons with Bento Mommas" Bento-making workshop. This
event was organized by Cheez Whiz at The Urban Food Collective
Weekend Market at the Commerce Center in Ayala Alabang.
I was very excited
because the instructors are Bento Mommas, whose bento designs
inspire me.
Mommas are group of friends Kaye, Moneigh, April, Mia and Olive that shares the love for arts and crafts, and a
commitment to hands-on parenting despite their busy work schedule. From baking,
blogging and scrapbooking, the group found themselves experimenting with
bento-making to expand the food choices of their children. Whether your kids
are picky eaters, or if they have food allergies, bento making has helped us
introduce a wider and healthier range of food choices to our kids.
are a few tips and tricks I’ve learned from BentoMommas:
• A
good bento can be created with a few basic, reusable tools—one spill-proof food
container, a handful of colorful food organizers, some basic cutters, and a few
decorative picks. What’s more important is imagination, creativity, and a sense
of humor.
• Keep
your bento tightly packed
Bento-making promotes the practice of food portioning and thus helps avoid food
When portioning food for bentos, the BentoMommas practice the “Go, Grow and
Glow” principle. This means that their lunchboxes contain a combination of
the following:
○ 1 portion of Go
foods (rice, bread, pasta, corn, etc.)
○ 1 portion of Grow
foods (chicken, pork, beef, fish, egg, cheese, etc.)
○ 2 portions of Glow
foods (fruits and vegetables)
off of a Japanese tradition through bento making, moms are able to transform
meals, baon or merienda into cute lunchboxes to make eating a visually and
palatably exciting experience, plus they can be really nutritious too!
We were each given our starter kits and basic bento tools.
The first bento Kaye taught us was a "Snow Man"
Cheez Whiz Milky Delight
Snowman with a Christmas Tree
1. Put two slices of white bread on a cutting
board. Use a cookie cutter or a sharp knife to cut the bread into two
2. Spread Cheez Whiz Milky Delight on
one side of the bread circles.
3. Decorate the snowman. Remember to use Cheez Whiz to
make pieces stick together.
Christmas Tree
- Slice the apple
- Cut to make a tree
Ta-dah! Here's my
finished Cheez Whiz Milky Delight Snowman bento box.
If you're looking for a
quick and easy Christmas-themed bento box snack idea, this snowman sandwich is
easily made by gardenia bread with Cheez Whiz Milky Delight filling,
raisins for the buttons, candy coated chocolate for the mouth, chocolate chips
for the eyes and nose, candy straps for the scarf and apple for the hat then
drew a star using Cheez Whiz. Also includes: decorative cut apple Christmas
tree, oreo, and grapes.
you ever tried condensed milk on bread? Cheez Whiz Milky Delight taste like
condensed milk but only thicker and less sweeter. It also has a nice taste of
sweet cheese. My kids and I love it!
Then, we also made a
Reindeer lunch bento.
I love this Rudolph
bento box. A great lunch idea for the holidays. The Rudolph is complete face
made out of rice, pretzel ears, eyes made out of cheese and nori as the
pupil (use Cheez Whiz to stick them together), Gardenia bread mouth, and a shining
bright tomato nose! Also in this bento box are broccoli, chicken, apple,
corn, and cut out stars that is made out of cheese.
Overall, it was a
fun-filled day of learning. So much tips and tricks, I gathered ideas to offer
my kids Cheez Whiz and a
healthy, kid-friendly, delicious and nutritious meal. All this would make a
great snack and lunch ideas for the holidays and that can be used throughout the
winter as well!
Group photo of everyone who went to the workshop ♥
Thank you so much Cheez Whiz and Bento Mommas for the super fun and informative bento workshop!
Oreo Philippines, The Urban Food Collective, Glad Kitchen, Gardenia Philippines, and Dona Maria Premium Quality Rice
Are you also inspired to make bentos? Check out the Bento Momma's profile on the website
Oreo Philippines, The Urban Food Collective, Glad Kitchen, Gardenia Philippines, and Dona Maria Premium Quality Rice
Are you also inspired to make bentos? Check out the Bento Momma's profile on the website
Bento Mommas
Twitter: @thebentomommas
Instagram: @thebentomommas
Tell me what you think? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
Much Love, Rochelle

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Thank you! I really appreciate it!
so cute and nutritious.....maybe even picky eaters would surely like this, it's one way of encouraging them to eat.....medyo matrabaho lang sya gawin lalo na pag iba ang theme, pero worthed naman if you get to have that smile as payment from the person you are offering it with........
ReplyDeleteSuper yummy yet cute. :) I hope I can do something like that as well. For my sisters who bring baon to school
ReplyDeletei would love to learn doing bento baon when my little one start schooling..
ReplyDeleteComments? Questions? Suggestions?
Please I would love to read about it.
I will reply to you as soon as I can and visit your site too.
But please no spam comments. All comments are subject to review before approving.
Thank you very much! Maraming Salamat! Arigatou gozaimasu!