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Healthy Tips
June 28, 2014
AQUABEST for safe, fit and healthy drinking water
Water has always been my drink of choice. It makes me feel good and keep myself hydrated. Whenever I have a craving, a headache, feel constipated or hungry I drink water and it helps a lot on making me feel better.
Drinking water has so much benefits:
♥ Helps cleanse and revitalize the body sweeping away toxins and impurities in the body.
♥ Increases energy and relieves fatigue
♥ Promotes weight loss
♥ Improves skin complexion
♥ Boosts immune system
Overall, drinking lots of water can lead to greater personal wellness and well-being.
However, not all water is the same some are better than others.
Just like drinking from a water supply such as a stream can sometimes prove unsafe, drinking untreated water.
My kids battle diarrhea from time to time because of contaminated food or water and being a mom I worry too much for them getting sick and I need to make sure to keep my kids safe, fit and healthy.
Recently, I was invited to Aquabest Bloggers Night in partnership with Evee and Skinlyn Health and Wellness Spa and talked about their new products and technologies for overall health and wellness.
Aquabest is the premier water franchising concept of G.Q.W.E.S.T.Inc.
They explained in detail on why Aquabest Granderized water in particular is radically different from other types of drinking water being not only clean but also healthy.
They did a water ionizer pH test to tests the alkalinity or acidity on three other different types of drinking water.
The test proves that Aquabest has the most Alkaline pH compared to other different types of drinking water.
Utilizing four unique technologies Grander, Tanwing, Nanogen, and Reverse Osmosis; Aquabest alters the very nature of water to make it better
Tanwing Technology and Reverse Osmosis are filtration technologies that help eliminate practically all contaminants in the water making them safe and clean. Tanwing works by utilizing two wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation to help eliminate all biological contaminants. At the same time, reverse osmosis filters water at the nanometer level far smaller than a strand of hair to ensure that all impurities are filtered out.
Aquabest which passes through Reverse Osmosis (Ro) purification process has meets the qualifications of Mom's trust for choosing the best drinking water for the family.
The Nanogen and Grander Technologies work at the molecular level to infuse health giving properties to the water by affecting the molecular structure of the water. Nanogen is a Korean technology that utilizes nanotechnology to neutralize pure water’s inherent acidity. Acidic water is supposed to be a contributing factor to some diseases. Grander Technology from Austria alters the molecular structure of water to improve body absorption.
Overall, Aquabest Granderized Water improves on the inherent cleansing and rejuvenating qualities of water. Each drop reaches deeper into the core of every cell in our bodies allowing them to perform their functions better.

Tell me what you think? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
Much Love, Rochelle

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