Share the Bags of Hope to give a child a chance in life!

Nearly one-third of Filipino children are deprived of health care, safe water, clean toilet facilities, decent shelter, nutritious food and education. And almost 4-million Filipino children are classified as out-of-school youth. Numerous reasons contributed to this prevalent problem like insufficient family income, child labor, teen marriage, illness, disability, inaccessibility to schools and high cost of education. Consequently, these factors inhibit the proper learning, development and value information of a child.

Thankfully, Robinsons Supermarket, Unilever Philippines and World Vision united together and launched the “Bags of Hope” campaign – which aims to help World Vision Kids with their education and their future.

One may be a committed donor through buying the Bags of Hope pack

You can choose from purchasing 470ml Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise, Ham or Bacon spreads. Purchase will automatically entitle one to receive a “collectible school bag” which comes in four designs while concurrently giving out school supplies as donations for World Vision Kids to support their education.

Let us intervene and protect the children from further harm. Let us take them away from the streets, dumpsites, quarries, farmlands and construction sites. Let us bring them back to school. And let us all share the Bags of Hope to give a child a chance in life. 

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